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Les infirmières de Notre-Dame. 4, Les nursing sisters
ISBN: 9782379130694 2379130698 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: Mon poche,

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A l'automne 1940, Flavie et Evelina s'apprêtent à vivre l'épreuve la plus intense de leur vie. Diplômées de l'école d'infirmières de l'hôpital Notre-Dame au moment où se trame la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les braves jeunes femmes ont décidé de s'engager pour porter secours aux soldats blessés en Angleterre. Alors que Flavie espère retrouver Clément, devenu médecin militaire en Europe, Evelina souhaite simplement fuir une vie qui ne lui était pas destinée. Quant à Simone, la troisième complice, elle choisit de ne pas prendre part à l'aventure, menant son propre combat au service de l'hôpital de Rouyn en dépit de son statut de femme mariée. En débarquant dans le Vieux Pays, les deux amies découvriront les atrocités de la guerre, affectées d'abord aux hôpitaux de campagne, puis plus près du front. Heureusement, ces Nursing Sisters, comme on appelle les infirmières canadiennes dépêchées sur les champs de bataille, trouveront un certain réconfort ainsi qu'un parfum de leur terre natale en entretenant une correspondance avec leur collègue demeurée de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. Elles entendent bien la revoir un jour, si jamais le terrible conflit prend fin…

Bien débuter : neurologie-neurochirurgie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2294766288 9782294766282 Year: 2020 Publisher: Issy-les-Moulineaux: Elsevier Masson,

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Quatrième de couverture : "Cet ouvrage est destiné aux étudiants et aux professionnels infirmiers amenés à prendre en charge le patient atteint de pathologies neurologiques. En trois grandes parties : les prérequis fournissent les notions indispensables pour aborder sereinement les situations cliniques prévalentes. Les situations cliniques prévalentes permettent de se familiariser avec la prise en charge globale des patients et la pratique terrain. En partant d'un cas clinique, les liens entre la symptomatologie du patient et sa prise en charge sont expliqués ; la conduite infirmière et/ou conseils aux patients ainsi que le rôle propre et le rôle prescrit infirmiers sont clairement identifiés. La botte à outils détaille les aspects légaux, les outils d'évaluation, les gestes techniques, les prises en charge spécifiques, les traitements et les examens complémentaires abordés dans les situations cliniques. La compréhension est facilitée par une présentation sous forme de fiches en couleurs et par de nombreux tableaux, photographies et illustrations."

Deux femmes dans la tourmente
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2379130752 9782379130755 Year: 2020 Publisher: Orléans: Mon poche,

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Dans le brasier de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, deux amies infirmières, deux destins, une vocation : soulager, soigner. Après des années de recherches historiques minutieuses, Teresa Messineo signe un premier roman passionnant, poignant de réalisme, et un formidable hommage à toutes ces héroïnes de l'ombre. Jo et Kay se sont rencontrées à New York au cours de leurs études d'infirmière à la fin des années 1930. Désireuses de partir à l'aventure, les deux jeunes femmes s'engagent aux côtés des Alliés. C'est là que leurs chemins se séparent. Jo est envoyée sur le front de l'Ouest, en France, où elle doit superviser un hôpital de fortune, tandis que Kay est envoyée à Hawaï, où aura lieu l'attaque de Pearl Harbour. Dans l'horreur des corps mutilés, de la maladie et de la famine, chacune s'accroche à sa vocation, mais aussi à l'amour et à l'amitié, pour trouver le courage de supporter l'insupportable. L'espoir sera-t-il plus fort que la mort ? Que restera-t-il de leur précieux lien après ces années de séparation et de souffrance ?

Helping Our Senior Population in Comfort Environments Act : report (to accompany H.R. 5821) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
Year: 2020 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. Government Publishing Office],

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Easing pain on the Western Front : American nurses of the great war and the birth of modern nursing practice
ISBN: 1476639116 9781476639116 9781476680019 1476680019 Year: 2020 Publisher: Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers,

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"World War I is widely regarded as the first modern war, driven by fearful new technologies of mechanized combat. The unprecedented carnage rapidly advanced military medicine, transforming the nature of wartime caregiving and paving the way for modern nursing practice. Drawing on firsthand accounts of American nurses, as well as their Canadian and British counterparts, this powerful study describes WWI nurses' encounters with devastating new forms of war-related injury-wounds from high-explosive artillery shells, poison gas burns, "shell shock," the Spanish Flu-and the interventions and technologies they deployed in treating them, including the Carrel-Dakin method of deep wound irrigation, the Balkan frame, and the Ohio Monovalve gas anesthesia machine."--

Helping Our Senior Population in Comfort Environments Act : report (to accompany H.R. 5821) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
Year: 2020 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. Government Publishing Office],

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A Practical Guide to Supporting People with Epilepsy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030426750 3030426742 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book is a practical guide, with rationale to supporting people with epilepsy. It encompasses epilepsy guidance such as NICE (2012, revised 2019), The Equality Act (2010), the children and families act (2014), current evidence based-practice, and regulatory organisation standards. It is predominantly aimed at nurses and student nurses, especially, those studying learning disability nursing but also residential, respite and supported living services, schools and family carers, to enable them to offer appropriate and evidence-based support to people with epilepsy of all ages. It is estimated there are approximately 1200 epilepsy related deaths each year in the UK. Many of these are considered to be preventable. High-profile cases have led to an increase in anxiety in people providing services, and greater scrutiny of those services by regulatory bodies. Over the years, the authors have been asked the same questions and witnessed the same misunderstandings and mistakes, by people supporting individuals with epilepsy. So they looked at the common themes and the resources available. It became clear that the information to address these gaps is available, but not easily accessible. There is lots of information in the public domain, however much of it is factual, rather than practical. This book provides practical information and resources with the focus on “what needs to happen”,” how to make it happen” and “who needs to do it”. This book is useful for supporting people with epilepsy wherever they live (both within and outside the United Kingdom).

Recuperating The Global Migration of Nurses
ISBN: 3030445801 3030445798 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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Sitting at the nexus of labor migration and health care work, this book examines the dynamic relationship between nurses’ cross-border movement and efforts to regulate their migration. Grounded in multi-sited qualitative research, this volume analyzes the changing social dimensions and transnational scale of global nursing, focusing particularly on the recruitment from the Philippines to Germany. The flow of nursing skills from resource-poor countries to well-off ones is not only producing a global care crisis, but also serves as a prime example of the international race for talent and skill. As it takes a critical eye to the emerging field of migration governance or management as the preferred policy response to competing discourses of global care crises and the global competition for skilled care work, this book highlights not only the shifting web of actors, discourses, and practices in care work migration management, but also, and more importantly, how various forms of care figure in the global migration of nurses.

Cholangioscopy : A Practical Guide and Atlas
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3030272613 3030272605 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book presents the latest approaches to cholangioscopy and covers recent innovations in single-operator cholangioscopy platforms, which have evolved from fibre-optic technology to digital endoscopes and have significantly advanced the management of biliary disease. The first part presents the development of cholangioscopy and hepatobiliary anatomy and then goes on to discuss the indications for this technique. With dedicated chapters on each stage of the technique, the book subsequently covers patient preparation and nursing issues, set-up, and different types of cholangioscopy. This book offers a highly topical resource, and addresses the technical challenges related to the procedure, including the different systems available. Accompanied by an extensive library of videos and images, it represents a unique and novel resource for all advanced biliary endoscopists.

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